I was out burning the carts on which these adorable little guys were storing some kind of dangerous plant, on the orders of my superiors, and oh look - I leveled.
Really though I spent most of this last session crafting - a little bit of all of them, due to some quests and some indecision on my part. There's some disagreement on the best armor for Chanters, which I want to make. For the moment I've settled on Armorsmithing, for chain armor, and alchemy. You can do all of them if you want in Aion, and who knows, I do enjoy watching bars fill up, but probably shouldn't burn myself out too fast.
The forum chatter about this game has gone pretty negative, slagging off the grind, which negative attitudes tend to infect my enjoyment of even single-player games, for some reason. My main motivation at this point is to see each new area, and that my Fallen Earth trial download is going pretty slowly.
Here is Saffie in her new crafting hat!

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