This is Nokir. Those revolutionists I was slaughtering earlier have obtained a sword they should not have. We weren't able to stop them, but oh look, I leveled!
Dropped back in for a bit since Fallen Earth likes to crash a lot more than Aion does. I'm still not super optimistic, but the game seems fun enough to solo and look at to play through the first month, anyway.
The latest distressing thing I've noticed is the sheer number of other people running around who aren't. People, I mean. Botting is really extreme within Aion, which is depressing not just to look at, but to be constantly reminded at how easily your challenging exploration of a harsh world can be replicated by a few lines of macro.
I'm pretty certain if people are botting your game for any reason other than gold-selling, you've got a design flaw somewhere. A lot of MMOs have a lot of design flaws.
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