Edward has moved to the Ghostlands, where the Blood Elves try to recover their territory and/or seek revenge from the destruction of the Scourge (who are the super-bad kind of undead, as opposed to the Undead, who are pretty bad, but mostly allies with the Blood Elves.)
Story-wise there's not a good reason for him to be here, but if you roll Horde there isn't any other option but the Barrens, which as a zone went crazy from running around for hours with nothing to look at about ten years ago and literally never quit telling Chuck Norris jokes.
The downside to the move is that the Blood Elves can't be Shamans, and so there's no one around to teach Edward what he needs to know, so it's back to Orgrimmar to learn Fire Nova Totem and Purge and whatever the Shaman resurrection spell is cast.
Resurrecting your friends is pretty cool.
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